

When we think of the pimples, generally two situations come to mind: adolescent age or the after-effects of a binge based on fatty and unhealthy foods. In fact, the day after having exceeded the food we look at ourselves in the mirror and … surprise! Here are the unaesthetic red bubbles appeared on our face! All the fault of the liver that is weighed down can not dispose of waste that thus give rise to impurities and imperfections. It is… Read More »A FORMIDABLE REMEDY AGAINST PIMPLES!


DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS HYALURONIC ACID? Surely you’ve read his name in the ingredients of creams or serums but maybe you do not know that Hyaluronic Acid is also produced by our body and is one of the fundamental components of the connective tissue of humans and mammals. Its function is to give shape and confer resistance to the skin, but not only, in fact it is responsible for maintaining skin hydration because it is able to store numerous… Read More »Blog